FACE Program

FACE Program at Jeehdeez’a Elementary School
Jeehdeez’a Elementary School participates in the Family and Child Education program which provides early childcare and adult education classes to families. As a child’s first teacher, parents/guardians create the first learning environment and prepare children for classroom instruction. From infancy to preschool training, the FACE program is able to screen for, identify and address any special needs a child may have.
In the FACE program, parents/guardians learn to take an active role in their child’s education. Our goal is to prepare children for their first day of kindergarten with early identification of learning challenges and cognitive skills development. Household literacy and enhanced reading habits are the results of family participation in the FACE program. As families learn how to actively engage with a child’s educational journey, students often experience significant improvements in reading and math.
While the FACE program is preparing children for elementary education, it also helps parents/guardians gain employable skills and continue their general education. Both academic and professional competencies are critical to a parent/guardian’s ability to ensure their child’s success. The FACE program’s essential parenting skills are critical for students to progress and mature through early childhood and elementary education.
Native language and culture classes are a vital part of the FACE program’s mission. We support and celebrate the unique cultural and linguistic diversity of each Native community served by the FACE program. School staff and program participants acquire skills and knowledge of their tribal language and culture. Parents/guardians are served by a home-based component as well as a center-based component, giving families every opportunity to benefit from the program.